Music development plan summary:
Berry Hill Primary School
Academic year that this summary covers
Date this summary was published
September 2024
Date this summary will be reviewed
September 2025
Name of the school music lead
Michelle Tranter
Name of school leadership team member with responsibility for music (if different)
Name of local music hub
Nottinghamshire Music Hub (Culture, Learning and Libraries (Midlands)
Name of other music education organisation(s) (if partnership in place)
This is a summary of how our school delivers music education to all our pupils across three areas – curriculum music, co-curricular provision and musical experiences – and what changes we are planning in future years. This information is to help pupils and parents or carers understand what our school offers and who we work with to support our pupils’ music education.
This is about what we teach in lesson time, how much time is spent teaching music and any music qualifications or awards that pupils can achieve.
Our school publishes our Music curriculum for each group online on our school website, as well as our long-term music plan. This can be found here: Berry Hill's Music Curriculum
The Music curriculum and time we spend on Music is set out as follows:
- In EYFS the children are exposed to musical opportunities throughout the setting in provision and daily nursery rhymes and songs.
- In Key stage 1 we ensure there is a weekly 30 – 45 minute music lesson.
- In Key stage 2 we ensure there is a weekly 45 – 60 minutes music lesson.
- ALL children have access to whole class Glockenspiel tuition as part of the GetSet4Music music scheme.
- In addition, there is weekly singing assembly for all pupils in Years 1 – 6 with singing an embedded aspect of the EYFS curriculum and daily routines..
- School choir is open to all children in KS1 and KS2 and meets after school all year.
- This DfE model music curriculum (March 2021), non-statutory guidance for teaching music has been implemented throughout school through embedding the GetSet4Music Curriculum and our partnership work with SoundAdvice.
- During Year 3 and 4, the music curriculum is built around all children receiving instrument-specific whole-class tuition on 12 musical instruments. These lessons are weekly and 60 minutes.
This is about opportunities for pupils to sing and play music, outside of lesson time, including choirs, ensembles and bands, and how pupils can make progress in music beyond the core curriculum.
Berry Hill Primary School offers a wide range of music tuition outside of what is taught in lesson time (as described above) and this includes:
- Small group and large group vocal tuition
- Peripatetic Music lessons either in small groups or individually for: drumming, keyboard / piano, guitar, ukulele, singing and brass through SoundAdvice. This offering has grown over the past 2 years.
- We also offer additional drumming lessons through DCP Drums – this is now in its third year.
Our pupils can choose to join ensembles outside of what is taught in lesson time:
- We offer a school choir from Years 1-6.
- The choir regularly support in school productions and assemblies. They also visit the local community for performances, such as a visit to the local care home located in our local community.
- The choir take part in ‘Young voices’ the largest school choir in the world and are currently in their third year attending.
- We also annually hire Southwell Minster to enable our choir to perform to an audience of circa 500 members in the grandest of auditoriums.
Part C: Musical experiences
This is about all the other musical events and opportunities that we organise, such as singing in assembly, concerts and shows, and trips to professional concerts.
We have set out here what musical experiences and opportunities are planned for the standard academic year at Berry Hill Primary School.
Regular events include:
- Weekly singing in assembly for all pupils.
- Musical performances (Christmas nativity for EYFS, and a Christmas Production for Key Stage 1.
- An end-of-primary-phase Year 6 production, bringing together dance, drama, music and comedy.
- A Drama club which is open to all pupils in Year 3 - 6. They meet regularly after school and decide upon an annual production to work towards. Members of this group have the opportunity to visit the West-End to grow their cultural capital.
- Theatre shows mapped into the curriculum supporting subjects taught each term.
- Annual theatre trip for the whole school to the Pantomime at Christmas.
- Year 2 upwards pupils in choir have the opportunity to attend Young Voices concert in Sheffield.
- Charging for school events are donations from parents to attend to support our performing arts budget and costs. If we engage in events externally there are subsidised options (such as Pupil Premium) for parents.
- New for this year, all pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding are offered peripatetic music tuition, paid for my school. The research suggests that there are far-reaching secondary benefits to receiving music tuition.
In the future
This is about what the school is planning for subsequent years.
Many improvements have been made over the last few years in the music curriculum at Berry Hill Primary School. Moving forward, we hope to continue to enrich and develop our music curriculum further by:
- Offering a wider range of instruments to children to experience and learn during whole class teaching.
- Extending and developing staff knowledge of delivering music lessons through CPD.
- Additional performances in the wider community with a broader range of pupils not only choir.
- Further embedding the peripatetic music tuition so that this also forms a staple element of a music curriculum (inviting keyboard players to have access to a keyboard during more generic music sessions for example).
- Further developing our peripatetic offering to include strings whilst continuing to increase the quantity of numbers of pupils accessing these.
Further information (optional)
This year, we intend to develop our physical music environment by creating a music tuition space. This will enable pupils to have a custom-designed area in which to experience their peripatetic tuition but also to be able to access to practise their craft during their unstructured times. The facility will also enable us to better showcase our musical achievements.
Ultimately, the aim is create an environment in which school could have its own band and orchestra.