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Health Advice

Scarlett Fever - For up to date information click here


Headlice – If live crawlers are seen by staff, we will contact you and ask that you collect your children and treat their hair and then return them to school.  Be warned all the family may need treating!  For the latest NHS advice click here.


Worms – Encouraging good hand-washing and hygiene routines will help against worms.  Again, be warned the whole family may need treating!


Impetigo – Contact your doctor for treatment advice.  It must be forming a crust and be covered up before your child can return to school.


Sickness – If your child is unwell at school we will contact you so that your child can be collected from school. We have a 48 hr rule before children return to school to ensure that all of our school community are protected.


Medicine – Should your child need to take a prescribed medicine during the day at school you need to contact the school office for further information and complete a permission form. A record is kept of medicines given.  Inhalers are kept in the classroom. 


Medical conditions – Please keep school informed should your child develop a medical condition.