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Our Behaviour Principles

Berry Hill Primary and Nursery School: Written Statement of Behaviour Principles 

Introduction Section 88 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 requires governing bodies of maintained schools to have regard to the statutory guidance from the secretary of state for Education in making and reviewing a written statement of behaviour. The Governing Body has a duty to produce, and review, a written statement of general principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils. The document ‘Behaviour and discipline in schools’ – Guidance for governing bodies’ has been used as a reference in producing this Statement of Behaviour Principles. Schools are required to have a Behaviour Policy which includes the school rules. It is the responsibility of the Headteacher along with the staff at Berry Hill to produce the school’s Behaviour Policy and the duty of the Governing Body to provide the Headteacher with a clear written statement of the principles around which the Behaviour Policy will be formed and follow.  

The Statement of Behaviour Principles will be reviewed regularly to take account of any legislative or other changes which may affect the content or relevance of this document. In deciding on these Behaviour Principles, the Governors and school leaders work in unison to ensure that the Principles are both relevant and appropriate for the standard of behaviour expected (school rules); the use of rewards and sanctions; the circumstances in which reasonable force will be used and when multiagency assessment will be considered for pupils who display continuous disruptive behaviour in our school.  

Our Principles 

The Right to feel safe at all times: All young people and staff have the right to feel safe at all times whilst in school. There should be mutual respect between staff and pupils; pupils and their peers; staff and their colleagues; staff and parents or other visitors to the school. All members of the school community must be aware that bullying or harassment of any description is unacceptable and, even if it occurs outside normal school hours, will be dealt with in accordance with the sanctions laid out in the Behaviour Policy.  


High standards of behaviour: The Governors strongly believe that high standards of behaviour lie at the heart of a successful school. Such expected behaviour will enable all children to make the best possible progress in all aspects of their school life and work, and all staff to be able to teach and promote good learning without interruption. The Governors also believe that the expectation of high standards of behaviour which are required during the school day can have a positive effect on the life of children outside school in encouraging them to become good members of the wider community.  

Inclusivity and Equality: Berry Hill Primary and Nursery School is an inclusive school. All members of the school community should be free from discrimination of any description and this is further recognised in our Accessibility Plan and promoted in the day-to-day running of the school.  

The Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies emphasise that bullying and discrimination as a result of gender, race, ability, sexual orientation or background is absolutely unacceptable and attracts a zero-tolerance attitude. Measures to counteract bullying and discrimination will be consistently applied and monitored for their effectiveness. The school’s legal duties in order to comply with the Equality Act 2010 are further reinforced through Behaviour Policy and seek to safeguard vulnerable pupils, particularly those with special educational needs where reasonable adjustments in the Behaviour Policy’s application may need to be made.  

School Ethos: The Behaviour Policy echoes the wider ethos of the school. These set out the expected standards of behaviour, displayed in all classrooms, shared with and explained to all pupils. The Governors expect that the ethos is consistently communicated to children across the whole school by staff and others to whom this authority has been given. As such, staff will have the confidence to apply the behaviour policy appropriately and where necessary, give rewards for good behaviour and the appropriate level of sanction for inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour.  

The school ethos is simple and universal:  

  • Be Kind: We are helpful and polite 

  • Work Hard: We are responsible and ready to learn; We are engaged learners 

  • Be Brave: We take on challenges with resilience 


We offer encouragement rewards: The Governors expect the Behaviour Policy to include a wide range of rewards which are clear and enable staff and others with authority to apply them consistently and fairly across the whole school. The rewards system will encourage good behaviour in the classroom and elsewhere in the school. The Governors expect that any rewards system is explained to others who have responsibility for young people such as extended school provision and, where applicable, home to school transport so that there is a consistent message to pupils that good behaviour reaps positive outcomes. The rewards system must be regularly monitored for consistency, fair application and effectiveness.  

Sanctions: Sanctions for unacceptable/poor behaviour should be known and understood by all staff, other adults with authority for behaviour, pupils and parents/carers. Like rewards, sanctions must be consistently applied across the whole school, including extended school provision and, where applicable. The range of sanctions is described in the Behaviour Policy so that all concerned are aware of and understand how and when the sanctions will be applied. The Behaviour Policy also explains how and when exclusions (both fixed-term and permanent) will be used as a sanction. The Policy also includes the provision for an appeal process against a sanction where a pupil or parent believes the school has exercised its disciplinary authority unreasonably. The Governors, however, believe that the exclusion sanction should only be used as a last resort. ‘Unofficial’ exclusions are illegal and so must be avoided. The Headteacher may inform the police, where necessary and appropriate, if there is evidence of a criminal act or it is thought that one may take place. It is important that sanctions are monitored for their proper use, consistency and effective impact. Home/School  

The Power to Screen and Search Pupils: The Governors expect the Behaviour Policy to clearly explain to staff and others with authority their powers in relation to the screening and searching of pupils for items which are ‘prohibited’ and/or banned in accordance with the school rules.  

The use of Reasonable Force: The Governors expect the Behaviour Policy and Physical Interventions Policy to clearly outline the circumstances where staff may use reasonable force and other physical contact in order to control inappropriate behaviour including removing disruptive pupils from classrooms or preventing them from leaving. A definition of ‘reasonable force’ is included which also explains how and under what circumstances pupils may be restrained. The Governors expect that appropriate and ‘authorised’ staff are appropriately trained in the use of reasonable force and restraint and that all staff are given advice on de-escalation and behaviour management techniques. Mention is also made of the need for individual pupil ‘Behaviour Management Plans’ which may specify particular physical intervention techniques for the pupil concerned.  

The Power to discipline for behaviour outside the school gates: The Governors expect the Behaviour Policy to set out the school’s response to non-criminal bad behaviour and bullying which occurs anywhere off the school premises and which is witnessed by a member of staff or reported to the school.  

The Policy includes the school’s response to any bad behaviour when the child is:  

· taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity, or  

· travelling to and from school, or  

· wearing school uniform, or  

· in some other way identifiable as a pupil at the school  

Even if the conditions above do not apply, the Policy must take account of misbehaviour at any time which:  

· could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school, or  

· poses a threat to another pupil or member of the public, or  

· could adversely affect the reputation of the school. 

Pastoral care for school staff: The Managing Allegations Policy include details of how the school will respond to an allegation against a member of staff. The Governors would not expect automatic suspension of a member of staff who has been accused of misconduct, pending an investigation. The Governors would, however, expect the Headteacher to draw on and follow the advice in this policy when setting out the pastoral support school staff can expect to receive if they are accused of misusing their powers.  

The governors wish to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse by pupils or parents, towards the school’s staff, will not be tolerated. 


Reviewed: November 2023 To be reviewed: November 2025